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WHY LEADERS FAIL and the 7 Prescriptions for Success


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  1. A strong leader is rooted in the relationships they build with their team & how effectively they propel the organization toward achievement.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  2. Managers manage projects and things while leaders lead and inspire people.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  3. A vision is clear mental picture of a future desired state, preferably written down and communicated clearly and often.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  4. A vision instills a sense of purpose. People need to know where the team or organization is going and why they & working so hard to get there.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  5. A vision keeps us on track. By giving us a big picture of where we are going, a vision reaffirms our path.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  6. A vision guides communication, decisions, & feedback between managers & employees.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  7. People do not quit their jobs. People quit managers who lack a positive vision of their future.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  8. Managers frequently fail to consider employee feed- back because the managers themselves are not sure where they are heading.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  9. When employees’ suggestions for improvement are ignored, employees become discouraged and the leadership development process is delayed.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  10. It is difficult to complete a jigsaw puzzle without having the picture on the box to reference; the same is true for realizing your vision.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  11. It is important to align your personal vision with the vision of the organization.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  12. Visions should be clear, concise, and compelling.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  13. A vision describes how you will operate and what actions you will take to accomplish the vision.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  14. Creating a vision that is inspiring, valuable, and long-lasting is an involved process that most people are not taught.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  15. Some people think visions are only for corporations, but organizations of all sizes and missions need vision.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  16. To achieve what you really want, crystallize the vision. Make it real and believe it, in both your mind and in your heart.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  17. Every leader needs to be clear on their organizational and personal leadership vision.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  18. Great leaders create a positive vision and set a course of action. They expect to see their vision become a reality.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  19. Highly motivated people are much more focused on the work they are doing as opposed to the hours spent working.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  20. Employees trust leaders whose actions are consistent with what they say and how they hold themselves and others accountable.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  21. Leaders are respected for delivering the same message with the same key points to everyone, regardless of whether the people happen to like the message or the leader.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  22. When employees feel cared for, trust for their leader comes much more easily.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  23. Great leaders trust their people and give them the opportunities to live up to expectations.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  24. It can take weeks, months, and even years to build trust, but mere minutes to destroy it.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  25. The boss has to know that taking care of customers starts with taking care of employees.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  26. In leadership, caring is not a sign of weakness.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  27. Leaders who care take the time to celebrate the successes of their team.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  28. In good times, anyone can lead. It is when things go wrong that people need true, strong, honest, and caring leadership.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  29. Leadership is most important when supporting people isn’t glamorous, easy, or convenient.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership
  30. Listening is great. But when you listen & fail to take action, people are inclined to think you didn’t really hear what was being said.   #WhyLeadersFail   #MaryKelly    #Leadership

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  1. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
  2. Have a more grateful attitude and remind yourself that you wanted this job. You wanted to make a difference, and every day is a privilege.
  3. Adopt an attitude of gratitude toward employees and peers, and recognize that leading them is a privilege.
  4. You can tell someone what to do, or you can tell them how to do it. You cannot do both.
  5. Comparing one employee to another is like comparing one sibling to another; it seldom ends well. Everyone has both strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  6. Employees, especially millennials, crave attention and feed-back.
  7. Criticize or provide constructive feedback in one-on-one coaching sessions. Praise publicly. Always.
  8. Great leaders not only treat people with respect and dignity, they hold others accountable for doing the same.
  9. When the vision and goals for the team are clear, it is easier to know what actions team members should take and for what results they will be held accountable.
  10. Ignoring conflict does not resolve conflict.
  11. Team members should feel as though they can do their work better as part of a team rather than working on a project individually.
  12. It is almost impossible to respect someone you do not trust.
  13. Direct, honest, timely, and caring communication builds trust.
  14. Arrogance crosses the line of confidence. Arrogant people believe they no longer have a need to learn, grow, or change.
  15. When you are a grateful leader, it is much easier to see the good in others and provide ample praise and recognition where it is due. Gratitude builds relationships.

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