Plan NOW for Emergency Situations

Plan NOW for Emergency Situations

Plan NOW for Emergency Situations Do you know that fewer than 50 percent of Americans have a will or trust? While I mainly speak about leadership, I’m also passionate about educating people about the importance of organizing life’s important documents in...
Are You A Visionary Leader?

Are You A Visionary Leader?

Are You A Visionary Leader? A COO of a major hospital just asked me about business planning. He asked: “Do we start with the business plan or start with the vision?” Answer: Start with the vision. You need a vision before you start the serious strategic...
Are You Leading for the Future?

Are You Leading for the Future?

Are You Leading for the Future? I recently asked a group of executives who they were grooming to lead their company in 20 years. They gave me blank stares as answers. “We are worried about next quarter. We are not even worried about next year.” Exactly. And that is...