Overcoming 3 Common Obstacles to Team Building

Overcoming 3 Common Obstacles to Team Building

Overcoming 3 Common Obstacles to Team Building An effective team fosters creativity and takes advantage of diverse strengths and experiences. Working as a group can produce results beyond what any individual member could do alone. However, some teams thrive while...
When Leadership Demotivates Employees

When Leadership Demotivates Employees

Workshops Online Courses Articles In the News Social Media Free Stuff Meeting Pros Media Reps When Leadership Demotivates Employees (This is a part 2 of this series) I was part of an organization that loved conducting employee surveys.  As an economist and leadership...
Are You Building Authentic Trust at Work?

Are You Building Authentic Trust at Work?

Workshops Online Courses Articles In the News Social Media Free Stuff Meeting Pros Media Reps Are You Building Authentic Trust at Work? “Fake it until you make it” is often used to build confidence or to change behaviors in the moment, such as “smile until you feel...
Plan NOW for Emergency Situations

Plan NOW for Emergency Situations

Plan NOW for Emergency Situations Do you know that fewer than 50 percent of Americans have a will or trust? While I mainly speak about leadership, I’m also passionate about educating people about the importance of organizing life’s important documents in...