by Mary Kelly | Sep 5, 2021 | community, leadership, leadership techniques, management tools, team
Workshops Online Courses Articles In the News Social Media Free Stuff Meeting Pros Media Reps How to develop accountability as a leader As a leader of an organization, accountability is what we strive for every day, but it does not come easily. Achieving a corporate...
by Mary Kelly | May 31, 2021 | productivity
How to Achieve the Power of DONE: Get Stuff Done for Your Business and Your Life I don’t really like the word done because it reminds me of something being baked in the oven. It is not my verb of choice, but it is a wildly powerful word. It’s simple. Let people know...
by Mary Kelly | Mar 18, 2016 | leadership, leadership techniques, team
How to Lead For Helpful Feedback Are poor performance evaluations killing your teams? Are your people giving and accepting feedback effectively? Is your productivity suffering because of it? One of the executives I coach recently lamented: “We want better teamwork,...
by Mary Kelly | Feb 16, 2016 | leadership, time management
Deadlines and Dinosaurs: Leading Accountability Why do professional, smart, highly motivated, ambitious people need other people for accountability? Because we do. Our Paleolithic, survival-motivated, dinosaur brains tell us that life is short, so enjoy today....
by Mary Kelly | Jan 10, 2012 | coaching, planning
AccountabilityHave you ever been a coach? For a sports team? A team at work? A friend? Currently, I coach the Air Force Academy collegiate equestrian team, in addition to my business and executive coaching roles. There are many similarities with being a sports coach...