
Are You Living With Lifestyle Inflation?

Are You Living With Lifestyle Inflation?

Are You Living With Lifestyle Inflation? Normal inflation is the general upward movement of prices. In the US, from August 2016 to August 2017 out inflation rate was a mere 1.9%. Lifestyle inflation is when we quickly increase income to a higher standard of living....

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Proper Estate Planning is a Great Holiday Gift

Proper Estate Planning is a Great Holiday Gift

Proper Estate Planning is a Great Holiday Gift Properly planning for your estate is one of the best gifts you can give to your family. What you do now affects their quality of life if you get sick, injured, or die. Few people like to think about a time when they are...

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How to Plan for Retirement

How to Plan for Retirement

How to Plan for Retirement Many Americans struggle just to pay the bills, so it’s no wonder that the average American is vastly underprepared for retirement. The average amount of retirement savings has declined in the past several years, leaving many looking at the...

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Quick Financial Reality Check

Quick Financial Reality Check

Quick Reality Check on Finances Are you stressed about money? 64% of Americans are. Do you argue with your significant other about money? It is the number one reason that couples argue. Are you saving enough money for retirement? Almost half of Americans...

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Do You Need to Fix Your Credit Score?

Is your credit score lower than what it should be? Maybe it isn’t your fault. According to the Federal Trade Commission, one in 20 Americans could have a significant error on their credit report, affecting mortgage rates, car loans, personal lines of credit, and security clearances.

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Beware of These 6 Common (and Costly!) Retirement Mistakes

Our retirement is our responsibility, yet many people do not think about how they are going to spend their retirement time. More importantly, even fewer people plan on how to fund it until it is too late. If you are old enough to buy a drink at a bar, it is time to think about your retirement.

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Money Tips for Families

April is Financial Literacy month. How can families alleviate stress about money? From Mary’s book, Money Smart: How not to buy cat food when you don’t have a cat

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Simple Tips for a Wealthier 2011

  Simple Tips for a Wealthier 2011 Kick off the New Year by making a viable spending plan. Make a commitment to manage your finances. A savings and spending plan, whether for home or for business, is an integral part of how you manage your home and...

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