
Beware of These 6 Common (and Costly!) Retirement Mistakes

Our retirement is our responsibility, yet many people do not think about how they are going to spend their retirement time. More importantly, even fewer people plan on how to fund it until it is too late. If you are old enough to buy a drink at a bar, it is time to think about your retirement.

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Money Tips for Families

April is Financial Literacy month. How can families alleviate stress about money? From Mary’s book, Money Smart: How not to buy cat food when you don’t have a cat

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Battle Market Uncertainty by Running a Great Business

Are you leaving money on the table because you aren’t running your business as effectively as you could? What do you need to do now to stay ahead of the curve? What should you do to reduce insecurity for your clients and employees, streamline marketing, and take advantage of technology with strategies to build your business?

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Podcast “Everyone Should Be An Entrepreneur”

I was very honored to be a guest speaker on Money Q&A’s podcast series called “Your Money Your Choices” this month. My episode title was “Everyone Should Be An Entrepreneur.” Go here to listen and to find out how to finally get off the sidelines and start your own business even in today’s trying economy.

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