
Who Is Leading The Leaders?

Who Is Leading The Leaders?

Who Is Leading The Leaders? Many mid-level managers are getting squeezed from the top and bottom. Organizations push responsibility down the ladder onto middle managers with little or no leadership development training required to handle these responsibilities. At the...

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Are you a leader who can be coached?

Are you a leader who can be coached?

  Are you a leader who can be coached? Second Lieutenant David Higgins, USMC, one of my former students, competed in the summer 2016 Olympics in Brazil. One of the key traits of the best athletes in the world that they are coachable. They have coaches...

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How to be A Personal Accountability Coach

“Do something, even if it is wrong,” was my parents’ way of encouraging their children to try, take risks, and take action. Action is better than inaction. Being proactive is better than no action at all. Try. Maybe fail. Do it anyway. Just DO something.

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Winning Your Gold Medal

As we watch the amazing feats of athleticism performed by thousands of dedicated Olympic athletes from all over the world, I wonder how many people devote Olympian time, energy, discipline, and focus to their passions, their dreams, or their businesses…

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Have you ever been a coach? For a sports team? A team at work? A friend? Currently, I coach the Air Force Academy collegiate equestrian team, in addition to my business and executive coaching roles. There are many similarities with being a sports coach…

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