Christmas for you and Your Business. Get your FREE Stuff Now.
Who Comes Next?
Every organization needs a plan for leadership succession, but few leaders know how to start the process. WHO COMES NEXT? guides leaders and managers through the steps of creating a viable succession plan. This book simplifies the succession planning process and gives you the tools you need to build and implement your leadership succession plan. Get your FREE Chapter here.
Why Leaders Fail
Mary and Peter spent years researching why so many good people fail when they get into leadership positions. They share the keys to leadership success in Why Leaders Fail.
This book shows leaders how to motivate individuals, coalesce teams, develop trust, create a powerful vision, and thrive in today’s work environment. Get your FREE Chapter here.
In Case of Emergency Checklist
Are you looking to be more organized spend less time trying to find where you put this or that? Then this might just be what you need. The last thing you want to have to do is remember where something is in an emergency. Download your FREE In Case of Emergency Checklist here.
…and more…
Still looking for more help or maybe just need to feel like a kid on Christmas morning? Click HERE to see more gifts we are sharing with you.