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daily leadership planner

7 Reasons a Daily Leadership Planner Helps You Become a More Effective Leader


  1. Thinking about becoming a better leader is the beginning of becoming a better leader.
  2. . Consistently thinking about how to respond builds leadership skills. Remember, you are already a good leader or you would not be committed to improving your skills and abilities.
  3. Awareness of strengths and weaknesses helps us identify where we can be better at our responses when dealing with tough situations and difficult people.
  4. Taking time every day to reflect on the right outcomes better prepares us for daily challenges. Like any training exercise, practicing the right responses means that when we are faced with that scenario, our default action is the correct path. 
  5. Leadership is about continuous improvement. Many leaders truly want to become better leaders for their teams, but that intent gets lost in the craziness of day-to-day operations.
  6. Using this daily leadership planner means building leadership skills every day. Practicing leadership daily is like taking a vitamin every day.
  7. These healthy leadership habits can be developed in less than 5 minutes a day and this workbook ensures you’ll carve out that small amount of time.

    Leaders today are busy. They need to take actions that work now.  Once making notes in this planner becomes a habit, the daily routine quickly helps us stay focused on what we want to accomplish.

 The results of better leadership? Increased productivity, improved morale, less stress, and more happiness.  This happens when we think about our leadership. In just 5-minutes a day! 



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