Year-in-Review: Planning for a Great New Year
I wound up in Ushuaia, Argentina over Christmas. The trip was kind of accidental, and the story long and irrelevant, but I got to see penguins and learn about an indigenous people I had never heard of, the Yamana. There were 3,000 Yamana living relatively undiscovered on the tip of South America until 1882. They survived by deep diving for mussels in the frigid waters off Cape Horn and hunting sea lions in canoes made from tree bark. The temperatures in Ushuaia stay between about 30 and 50 degrees F, and they dove into these chilly waters as a matter of routine. (I was there during their summer and wore a ski jacket the whole time. It was cold.) Their habits shocked the newly arrived Europeans because it was so far out of what was considered ordinary and routine. This got me thinking about habits and routines. What habits or routines do we have that might surprise others, whether positive or negative? Are our day-to-day habits furthering our goals? What habits do we have that help develop our business? What habits are we creating that will move both our professional development and our careers in the right direction? What are we doing to maintain healthy relationships at work, in business, with family, and with friends? Are we doing what is really important? The New Year gives us all a fresh start, a new beginning, and the chance to change what we want to change. For businesses, strategic planners, families, couples, and teams, taking a quick look at last year as we plan for the future is a valuable exercise to identify possible areas for revision or habits that we want to change. Here is my one page, down-loadable, 5-Minute Year-In-Review template. Please consider spending 5 or 10 minutes reviewing the past year and planning for an even better New Year. I hope this helps. I wish you health, prosperity, and happiness in 2015!