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Social Media for the Rest of Us

If you are in business, you know you need a social media presence. Social media is an important part of marketing as well as a great way to listen to your customers. Social media gives you and your products attention, drives fans to your website and generates leads. People shop and search for information at all hours of the day. Social media allows you to market while you sleep.

You have a website, but it is not enough. 85% of customers expect businesses to be active in social media and 36% of people trust companies more when they have a social presence. This means if your competitors are active in social media and you are not, you are going to lose a significant share of your market.

Many marketers feel they are playing catch up in the social media game if they jumped in late or resisted the trend, leaving many business leaders to wonder, “What does a company really need to do and how do you “do” social media effectively?”

Answer: You need a plan.

Your social media checklist, with annotations:

Facebook – a fan page or a group. You need this for your business, brand or key product to have a presence. You can run promotions, ask questions and solicit feedback from your customers. Oreo, the cookie, has a Facebook page with 27,000,000 Likes. People visit this page and make comments on how they feel. (Yes, I know. It is a just a cookie, for Pete’s sake.)

Twitter – for your company or brand. You can test products, promote products, discuss industry trends, and connect with potential buyers. Search engines are recognizing Twitter and real time data so Twitter cannot be ignored.

Pinterest– the fastest growing site, so jump on it. Yes, it looks like a bunch of bored teenagers got together and put up pictures. It is also a viral magnet. Pinterest is growing fast, only behind Facebook and Twitter. According to Ken Barber of the Denver Business Journal (Aug 12, 2012) a study showed that 21 percent of Pinterest users purchased directly from, and their average order value was more than double that of Facebook-driven sales. Learn more how to start from Ken at

YouTube – people love video, so create what you think is worth sharing. Funny videos work really well, because people want to be entertained. What’s funny about your business, product, customers or industry? What can you poke fun at or parody? If you’re not funny (or if humor is not right for your business), don’t despair. How-to and instructional videos are also wildly popular. People want to be informed as well as entertained. How can you demonstrate your expertise? What problems can you show your prospects how to solve? Also consider video interviews, videos of your products in action, time-lapse videos of your services being performed, video tours of your facility and any other way you can use this versatile medium.

LinkedIn– if you are in business and you are serious, you need a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn has a tutorial that walks you through how to create one. Alternatively, this article will take you step-by-step through the process of building a great profile:—How-to-Build-a-Great-Profile&id=4660800 LinkedIn is where business people screen other business people by seeing their resumes, people in common, and recommendations. You can also link your blog, add videos and even post products for sale right on your profile. Hint: Get recommendations on the characteristics that people want when they think about hiring you. For example, a doctor should be knowledgeable, a good listener, and exhibit genuine concern. An electrician is going to be thorough, careful, and meticulous. You get the idea.

Google+ – was started by Google for their employees and they really don’t seem to care much about making it commercial. Particularly helpful for business groups who share information in teams or for families who don’t want every detail of their lives all over Facebook.

Klout – used to measure how “influential” you are in social media. However, the service was shut down in May 2018.

Blogs– are handy to keep fresh information on your Facebook page and on your website. The search engine spiders like fresh information, so having content as a blog is helpful. Many shoppers and businesses look for the latest trends and blogging shows that you pay attention in your industry. Not blogging is like being a hair stylist and displaying hair style from the 1980s on your website. Okay, an exaggeration but you get the idea. Bottom line: Businesses that blog get 55% more web visitors and 67% more leads than businesses that don’t. What to consider: What and who are your customers following? Where do they go when they do “follow” or “like?” How often do your competitors post? What do other people post that generates responses? (I love economic data but I get a lot more responses when I post a leadership quote or a picture of a dog being adorable.)

Do you need a more active presence in social media? You decide. But while you are thinking about it, friend me. I’m needy that way.


  1. Carmen

    I read 15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy, by Mary Kelly, PhD and thought is was perfect for new and experienced entrepreneurs. This book not only shows you how to be more productive and profitable in your business, 15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy will help you align your personal and business goals so you can build your business with the same passion and vigor you approach other areas in your life. I don’t know about you, but like so many other entrepreneurs–nothing is more personal to me than my business.

    While each section is relevant, Identify Your Business Goal, Identify Your Life Resolutions, and Reiterate Integrity and Ethics, stood out for me. In this day and age where capitalism seems to have pushed many businesses into unethical business practices for profits, they serve as a reminder to be of service to our clients and always put their needs first—this is the true recipe for success in business.

    Social media marketing has become a major component of marketing plans for many businesses, but remains much of a mystery to many. The “Using Social Media for Marketing” chapter details the social media outlets to help you decide which is right to promote your business. Also provided is a Social Media Marketing Checklist to guide you while establishing a professional on-line presence. Dr. Mary Kelly has packed this book with excellent marketing tips, questionnaires and resources so you may immediately start improving your business.

    15 Ways to Grow Your Business in Every Economy is an excellent business guide for any small business entrepreneur ready to do what it takes to take their business to the next level.

  2. Sandi Coryell

    Great ideas, Mary. I need to have you teach me how to be as creative as you are with video, though!

  3. Andrew Szabo

    Excellent executive summary on social media for the relatively uninitiated!
    Will repost for you!

  4. Shirley Taylor

    What a fantastic social media checklist. Youtube is one of my favourites and I definitely need to ramp up my Pinterest community. I will be sure to read Ken’s article. Thanks!


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