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To start off the New Year, wouldn’t it be great to perform a Random Act of Kindness and then share your kindness idea with other people? Many people do really nice things for others (such as the person who paid off other people’s layaway items at a KMART, sparking others to do the same). Many people would like to take action, but they are not sure what to do. So let’s share ideas! For the month of January, I would LOVE it if you could please share with me your Random Act of Kindness and add your idea to this post, or email it to me at so that I can tell others. (You can remain anonymous if you email it to me at Some quick ideas:

  1. Drop off items at Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or a charity thrift store
  2. Pay for someone’s coffee at 7-11
  3. Feed other people’s parking meters
  4. Take flower arrangements to a senior center
  5. Contribute to or work at a Food Bank, Humane Society, or Children’s Hospital
  6. Send a care package to a soldier or sailor
  7. Give blood! (contact the Red Cross to find a convenient location)

I can’t wait to hear your ideas! Warmly, Mary


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