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Post-Conference To-Do List

The National Speaker’s Association (the other NSA) holds a yearly convention that is beyond awesome. I learn from the sessions, meet smart and talented people, and get great platform and business ideas. I also leave with a To-Do list.

Here are the highlights of my NSA To-Do list.

• Set up Google analytics on website.

• Google my name and keywords – manage my online presence more often.

• Set Google alerts on my stuff.

• Blog and cross-blog more, but only with content. Use keywords to tag blog. Use hashtags on blogs, like #NSA11.

• Write everyday.

• Use video and more video with tons of content, and add keywords to make sure each video is searchable.

• Use Twitter more to create more community. Retweet and reply.

• Look at the websites of other NSA people, especially other business leadership people, and see how I can refer others to them.

• Create a totally unique and fun assessment on website that I can use before my sessions. Sally Hogshead’s was great:

• Do marketing autoresponders (thanks David Newman!) and read David’s free ebook

• Use Ford Saeks’ copywriting list to create great copywrite. Review Ford’s 60-minute webinar on Social Media

• Get QR code and add to books, postcards, and business cards (ex: Scott McKain has on his Minibuk).

• Reread everything on Patricia Fripp’s website

• Promote my friends and colleagues to grow a bigger economic pie. (I am still looking for more specifics to do more of this, so if you have an idea, please let me know.)

• Listen to NSA recordings of the sessions I missed.

• Follow-up, follow-up, and follow-up with people I met at the conference.

• Thank the amazing people who made the convention possible!


  1. Lois Creamer

    Great, great list! The way to get the most out of meetings like this is to commit top those things that are a fit for you. You did just that. Well done and thanks for sharing your list!

  2. David Newman

    Mary – Super list. For some people, creating a Minibuk like Scott McKain’s and Ford Saeks’ and Jeffrey Gitomer’s might be something to consider. More info online at — David and Kathy Seid who run Minibuk totally “get” speakers and it’s a low-cost, high-profit product option.

  3. Brianne Powell

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time. That list is so long, I hope you’re able to keep on it! If you’re looking for a QR code generator: I’ve even put a QR code on my email signature at 75x75px. Those that use it, love it and use it all the time. Those that don’t will be curious and start. But it’s best to have a mobile phone site if you send people to your webpage.

  4. Mark Sanborn

    A post conference to-do list like you’ve posted is always a great idea to increase one’s return on investment of time and money. Great post, Mary!

  5. Randy Gage

    Totally love how you’re attacking this; getting the best return on your investment.


  6. Ken Doyle

    It was wonderful to meet you at the conference! and thank you for sharing your todo list! It was a great memory jogger for me and an impetus to add a few more items to my expanding list.

  7. Lauren Doyle

    Great job turning your ideas into actionable items! I think that is half the battle.
    How are you doing on your list so far?

  8. gerd disease

    trying to find you, can you add me on facebook?


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