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Mary’s Cranberry Sauce/Relish One of my friends asked about a cranberry relish/sauce. I use this for everything – Emily’s Layered Cranberry Ring, and Cranberry Bread. Just dump it into a cranberry bread recipe or a mix. It is also great with turkey or ham as well. 1 package cranberries ( fresh, in the produce section) 2 oranges ½ – 2/3 cup sugar ¼ cup water Rinse and sort cranberries in a colander. Throw out rocks, leaves, and smashed cranberries. Dump in a 3 quart saucepan with water and sugar. While that starts to cook over low-medium heat, juice the 2 oranges and add juice and a little pulp to the saucepan. With the smallest setting on the cheese grater, grate the outside, oranges part of the washed oranges to get about 1 full teaspoon. Add to saucepan and stir. When the berries start to pop, you are close. Mixture will start to thicken and be delicious. You can add more sugar if desired. Mary Kelly


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