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On this Veteran’s Day, I am grateful to every single person I ever served with, for, and everyone who served before and after my time in the service. (That is a boatload of prepositions.)  I cannot imagine how my life would have turned out if I had not joined the military.   The people I worked with, of all ranks, taught me invaluable life lessons, gave me challenges, and enabled me to grow as a person.   I didn’t like every single day of every single job (who does?), but I did learn every single day in every single job.  It was a great career, with great people.  I do feel humbled by the people who surrounded me every single day, and I am gratful that I spent 25 years of my life in uniform.   The military made me who I am, blessed me with lifelong friendships and bonds, and gave me life experiences that I could never have otherwise. On this Veteran’s Day, when people are thanking veterans, I want to thank America for allowing me the opportunity and privilige to serve. It truly was my honor, every single day, to be part of America’s finest.


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