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One of the main reasons I like NASCAR is that the teams racing each other try hard.  The teams truly exert effort to make their driver successful.  Driving a car 600 miles at 200 mph with less than 2 feet separating you from the next guy is hard to do for hours on end.  And the teams have to support that driver by trying to get him the best car possible, with the best pit stops possible.  Changing 4 tires in 13 seconds with 5 lug nuts each is hard work.  Performing a wedge adjustment while the car is getting fueled and the tires being changed is hard work too.   The NASCAR pit crews practice what they do, and everyone working to meet a 13 or 14 second deadline takes precision, concentration, and mostly, a lot of effort by everyone involved during an adrenaline-filled race. And I enjoy the fuel strategies and the teamwork and crew chiefs and the ramifications of various cautions and who gets the Lucky Dog.  I like and appreciate all that.  But what I really applaud is the sheer effort that every team exhibits every single week.  I like to think that they try hard because they love what they do and take pride in their accomplishments, as we all should. I tune in to NASCAR races because there is more to it than GO FAST, TURN LEFT.   It is great to see people who work hard, race hard ,and try hard to be successful at what they do. (Oh, and yes, I do have a favorite driver…) Comments anyone???? Mary Kelly

1 Comment

  1. Shirley

    I like NASCAR because this is a true example
    of the type teamwork many older folks lived by. Do your homework, encourage and support each other in a positive manner. The victory in
    these instances will be rewarding for each and
    every member of the team! The lessons viewers
    can learn – teamwork is NOT a showplace for
    unacceptable language, sex, or half-clad hotties.


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